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Events and Hospitality


Basic Meal

Pita on the Tava, Labaneh, herbal tea

אירוח ואירועים במדבר

Pita & Spreads

Pita on the Tava, hummus, white bread, 4 types of salads, hard-boiled eggs and pickles

אירוח ואירועי מדבר

Wine Feast

4 types of wine from our selected wines, with snacks on the side

אירוח ואירועי מדבר

Upgraded accommodation

Decorative lycra wall, Bedouin pillows and rugs for reception, hospitality tables for the buffet, including a Tava stand, pita bread and tea.


Chef Feast in the Desert

Frontal chef meal included reception 

* Sea fish tartare with grapes and citrus 

*Beef carpaccio with lemon-reduced balsamic and olive oil-olive oil from the wrapper for a meal 

* Smoked asado with orange barbecue 

* Entrecote on a spinner over an open fire 

*Beef fillet in green salt  

*Lamb shank smoked with winter spices 

Home made spreads, jams and sauces 

Sourdough bread 

Local boutique beers 

Seasonal exotic fruits

WhatsApp Image 2024-11-26 at 08.06_edite

Refreshing in the desert

Summer fruit platters including a natural juice bar

אירוח ואירועי מדבר

Basic accommodation

Rugs, pillows and tables

אירוח ואירועי מדבר

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